Voice Support
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Your communications services are provided with our state-of-the-art fiber optic network. The network not only allows us to provide advanced, dependable service our customers want today, but it also prepares us to meet the demands of the future. The fiber network terminated at your home requires electric power to operate. To avoid disruption of dial tone during a power outage – and to maintain the ability to connect to 911 emergency services – DTC offers you battery backup power options.
If you are concerned about being able to contact 911 emergency services during a power outage, a backup battery may be a good option for you. The battery offered by DTC Communications is approximately three and a half pounds and is roughly the size of a toaster. Our 24-hour backup batteries cost approximately $180.00 and can be picked up in one of our retail locations.
DTC Communications’ backup batteries for telephone modems allow you to continue to use your home voice services during a power outage. Without a backup battery or alternate backup source such as a generator, customers will not be able to make any calls, including emergency calls to 911. The only way to maintain the ability to use your phone is by using some form of backup power. Our backup battery does not provide power to any services other than voice. Home security systems, medical monitoring devices and other equipment will not run on a home phone backup battery.
The FCC established a national Do-Not-Call registry. The registry applies to all telemarketers (with he exception of non-profit organizations). Commercial telemarketers are not allowed to call you if you number is on the registry.
To register call 1-888-382-1222 or online at http://www.donotcall.gov.
To place your number on the Tennessee Do-Not-Reigstry call 1-877-872-7030 or online at https://www.tn.gov/tpuc/tennessee-do-not-call-program/csd-online-do-not-call-registration-form.html
If you have registered your number on the Do-Not-Call registry and you receive a call from a telemarketer, you can report it with the Tennessee Regulatory Authority Customer Service Division at 1-800-342-8359 Ext 160.